Burial Registers and Funeral Home Records



Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 18277
Mary Sampson
burial date: May 21, 1957
age: 47
condition: widow Alexander
native place: Guysboro Co
comments 3-J?-49
cemetery Mount Olivet

Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 19142
Catherine Samson
burial date: March 4, 1966
age: 69
condition: wife of Joseph
native place: Guysborough
comments 4-C-108
cemetery Mount Olivet

Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 2969
Elizabeth Schroeder
burial date: September 19, 1959
age: 41
condition: wife James
native place: Larry's River
comments 4A-C-96
cemetery Gate of Heaven




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