Burial Registers and Funeral Home Records



Source: Burial Register (Sepultures) Port Felix
Pierre Faconde
Burial Date: May ? 1887
cemetery / place of burial: cimetière de Torbai
Clergyman: A. Vanreuterghen
Furent presént (were present): Joseph Fougere, Louis Pelrine

Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 2210
James L Fanning
burial date: July 14, 1956
age: 59
condition: manager
native place: Canso
comments 4A-D-5-5A
cemetery Gate of Heaven

Source: Burial Register - Canso Circuit, Methodist
Mrs. William A. (Martha) Feltmate
age: 26 years
Date of Death: March 3, 1940
Place of Death: Port Felix
Cause of Death: Tuberculosis
Burial Date: March 5, 1940
cemetery / place of burial: Yankee Harbour
spouse: William Feltmate
Clergyman: Alfred Thorpe
Other info: Roman Catholic

Source: Cruikshanks Funeral Home Records (PANS reels 12472-74)
William T. Feltmate
age: 56 years
Place of Birth: Whitehead
Date of Death: September 3, 1946
Place of Death: Whitehead
Burial Date: September 5, 1946
cemetery / place of burial:
father: Cyril Feltmate
mother: Hattie McPhee
Furent presént (were present):
Other info: Charge to DVA, religion - United

Source: Burial Register - Canso Circuit, Methodist
Joseph Feltmate
age: 69 years
Place of Birth: Yankee Harbour
Date of Death: August 16, 1943
Place of Death: Halifax, NS
Cause of Death: Cancer of bowels
Burial Date: August 22, 1943
cemetery / place of burial: White Head
Clergyman: Alfred Thorpe

Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 3159
Annie M Fenn?
burial date: July 16, 1960
age: 75
condition: widow Patrick
native place: Canso
comments 4A-C-102A
cemetery Gate of Heaven

Source: Burial Register (Sepultures) Port Felix
John Findlay
Burial Date: March 4, 1884
cemetery / place of burial: cimetière de Charlos Cove
Clergyman: A. Vanreuterghen
Furent presént (were present): Luc Richard, Simon Richard

Source: Burial Register (Sepultures) Port Felix
Bridget Fitzgerald
Burial Date: March 3, 1885
cemetery / place of burial: cimetière à Port Felix
spouse: Winthrop Edmond Grover
Clergyman: A. Vanreuterghen
Furent presént (were present): Patrick Cashen, Doyle Doiron

Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 431
Jerome J Flaherty
burial date: April 27, 1944
age: 31
condition: fisherman
native place: Canso
comments 4-L-78-78A
cemetery Gate of Heaven

Source: Burial Register (Sepultures) Port Felix
Sabine Fougère
Burial Date: July 3, 1887
cemetery / place of burial: cimetière de Torbai
spouse: Felix Avery
Clergyman: A. Vanreuterghen
Furent presént (were present): Louis Pelrine et Eustache Pelrine

Source: Burial Register (Sepultures) Port Felix
Madeline Fougere
Burial Date: January 8, 1887
cemetery / place of burial: cimetière de Torbai
spouse: Touissaint Avery
Clergyman: A. Vanreuterghen
Furent presént (were present): Edward Pelrine et Joe Fougere

Source: Burial Register (Sepultures) Port Felix
Adelaide Fougère
age: 27 years
Burial Date: June 2, 1885
cemetery / place of burial: cimetière à Torbai
spouse: Simon Avery
Clergyman: A. Vanreuterghen
Furent presént (were present): Luc et Simon Manet

Burial Registers - Mount Olivet & Gate of Heaven (PANS)
Item #: 3109
Albert Fougere
burial date: May 5, 1960
age: 62
condition: Emp Mount St. Vincent
native place: Port Felix, Guys Co
comments 4A-B-97
cemetery Gate of Heaven





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