Larrys River / Charlos Cove Births 1893 - 1899

from Church Records, copied by Judy Doiron

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Source: Larrys River / Charlos Cove Births - 1893-99 - Page 10
Delia  Beatrice Richard
Birthdate: 1  Jan 1898
Daughter of Henry Richard &: Nellie Petipas
Sponsors: Jeffery  Petipas  &  Maggie  Richard
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Source: Larrys River / Charlos Cove Births - 1893-99 -
Page 10
Edward  Stewart Grover
Birthdate: 2  Jan. 1898
Son of Wintrope Grover &: Charlotte Dort
Sponsors: Joseph  Deyoung  &  Maggie  Richard
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Source: Larrys River / Charlos Cove Births - 1893-99 -
Page 10
Nelley  Belle Meagher
Birthdate: 5  Jan 1898
Daughter of Joseph Meagher &: Angeline Deyoung
Sponsors:  Nil
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Source: Larrys River / Charlos Cove Births - 1893-99 -
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Henry  ( Harry  L. ) Richard
Birthdate: 14  Mar 1898
Son of M Luke Richard &: Charlotte Richard
Sponsors: Edmond  Richard  &  Maggie  Richard
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Source: Larrys River / Charlos Cove Births - 1893-99 -
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Mary  Ellen Geroir
Birthdate: 23  Mar. 1898
Daughter of Abraham Geroir &: Ellen Richard
Sponsors: John  Bonvey  &  Lottie  Pelrine
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Source: Larrys River / Charlos Cove Births - 1893-99 -
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Victoria Degruchy
Birthdate: 20  May 1898
Daughter of Charles Degruchy &: Verginia Petipas
Sponsors: Jeffery  Petipas  &  Mary  Degruchy
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Source: Larrys River / Charlos Cove Births - 1893-99 -
Page 10
Wilfred Richard
Birthdate: 17  June 1898
Son of Joseph  H. Richard &: Sabine Richard
Sponsors: James  Richard  &  Maggie  Richard
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Source: Larrys River / Charlos Cove Births - 1893-99 -
Page 10
Lena  May Richard
Birthdate: 20  July 1898
Daughter of Reme  B Richard &: Katie Decoste
Sponsors: Tom  Richard  &  Kate  Richard
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Source: Larrys River / Charlos Cove Births - 1893-99 -
Page 10
Henry  Wilfred Richard
Birthdate: 7  Aug. 1898
Son of Luke  L. Richard &: Maggie Richard
Sponsors: Fred  Levangie  &  Mary  Richard
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