May 1946


Frank Mannette
New Glasgow , May 1st. 1946 Following an illness
of three days , the death of Frank Mannette , a
native of Charlo's Cove, Guysboro County , occurred
at the home of his daughter Mrs. Thomas Richard,
New Glasgow . Father Nearing of Lourdes Parish, officiated
at the funeral service held from the home of his niece,
Mrs. Peter DeYoung , Munroe Ave. The interment was
made at the Lourdes Cemetery. His wife, five daughters and
two sons survive ; Mrs. Thomas Richard , Mrs. Edmond Richard,
and Simon of Charlo's Cove, Hilda, Mane; Ethel and
Yvonne at home .

submitted and typed by Judy (Gerrior) Doiron


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