The Halifax Herald (Halifax, Nova Scotia) Monday, 20 June 1910, p. 4, col. 6:


Drowning Boy's Hat Floated

Eight Year-Old Whitehead Boy Falls From Wharf to His Death

WHITEHEAD, June 19 - About six o'clock last evening Frank MUNROE, an exceptionally bright little boy of eight years, who lived with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh P. MUNROE, Lower Whitehead, was accidentally drowned by falling over a wharf. His grandfather had left to go to tea, thinking the little fellow would follow, but as he did not arrive at the house in a few minutes his aunt went to look after him, and saw his cap floating on the water a short distance from the head of the wharf. She immediately called for help, and several men came to the scene and in a few minutes the lad's body was brought to the surface. Every means possible was used to resuscitate him, but life was extinct.


Posted by Anna M. MacDonald on Sat, 18 Nov 2000 on the Nova Scotia Genweb Project

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