The Gazette - Guysboro & New Glasgow - April (19?), 1902
White Head: Mr and Mrs Jaspar Grover, an aged couple living at Cole Harbour, this county, were robbed on Tuesday night the 18th of March. The couple retired to bed about 8 pm after making everything secure for the night and a short time after, three persons come in through a window to an adjoining room, closed the bedroom door and locked it, and then deliberately went to work to rob the house. It is reported that before locking the bedroom door, they told the old folks that they (the intruders) were from White Head and if the former attempted to come out of the room they would be killed.
In the room in which the robbers were there were four trunks, one being under a table. This trunk was taken out, the cover pried off with an axe or hatchet and money amounting to $570 in gold, silver and bank notes was taken. Several one pound notes were in the chest. They also took some dress goods that was in the chest, but did not disturb anything else in the room.
Evidently the thieves must have known the place pretty well. The old people could hear the robbers talking and thought they recognized the voice of a woman.
After taking all the old folks possessed, the thieves made their exit out through the kitchen door the door having been fastened with a hook inside. The next morning a hatchet was found near the door in a gutter where it had been dropped, one side of the hatchet handle was chipped as if the hide traces of letters which were probably thereon. It was seven o'clock morning before Grover succeeded in getting out through his bedroom window to give the alarm.


contributed by Peggy Feltmate


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