Newspaper Article - Canso Breeze - March 29, 1963

Charlos Cove, March 27 - Those spending the week end at their homes here from Halifax were Basil Richard, Dora Richard, Gerald Richard, Archie Richard, Luke Pellerine, Raymond Mannette, Doris and Pearl Levangie, Gordon Pitts, Raymond Richard and Sharon Richard.
Leo Richard, Hughie Richard, Carol Richard, Alex Richard and Francis Richard were among those who motored to Antigonish during the week.
Leo Richard motored to Goldboro Thursday, accompanied by his brother Richard. Mrs. Leo Richard is a patient in St. Martha's Hospital, Antigonish.
Mrs. Sylvester Richard is a patient in the Guysborough Memorial Hospital.
Clifford Richard who has spent a few days with his sister and brother-in-law, Halifax, returned home on Saturday.


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