These are all separate little galleries for each event - click the thumbnail to view them
Some past events
Misc. pictures from past events
click to view
Early Life in Larrys River
Photos of Early Life In Larry's River - from personal collection of Sadie (Fougere) Pettipas - submitted by her daughter Sandra Perro.
To see more photos from this collection look under "People" - page 7 & 8
click to view
Acadian Day - October 19th, 2002
Information exchange and party - Some of Warren Casey's photos from the event click to view
"An Acadian Tradition from the Tor Bay area"
Christmas 2002
Some of Jude's Christmas pictures click to view
Le Festival de Tamarin - FEBRUARY 6 - 9, 2003
Jude got sooooo carried away taking pictures of eveyone having a great time that I had to set up a gallery all of it's own - so far there's over 80 photos in it - Jude has also done a write-up. Thanks alot Jude.
click to view
La Mi-Carême - March 29, 2003
The word "Mi-Carême" or, "Mid-Lent" is an old acadian custom which was practiced in every acadian community for generations and became a very important part of their social fabric. Since Lent was a time of sacrifice and sombre moods which became difficult for the normally jovial acadians, they accorded themselves a moment of reprieve at the half-way point in the lenten season.
Check out the Gallery from the evening.
click to view
Spring Rains - April 2003
Some photos taken by Judy Doiron after heavy rainfall caused a bit of flooding.
click to view
CMA 2004
Pictures from the Pellerin reunion and other events in the area surrounding CMA2004


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