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Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x
Date of baptism: Sunday, June 27, 1813
Elizabeth Feltmate
Child of John and: Elizabeth Feltmate
Date of birth: Dec 27, 1812

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, August 23, 1818
Gershi Feltmate
Child of John and: Elizabeth Feltmate
Date of birth: April 1, 1817

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, July 09, 1815
John Edward Feltmate
Child of John and: Elizabeth Feltmate
Date of birth: Feb 28, 1815
Date of baptism: Thursday, February 26, 1835
John Fr__le?
Child of John and: Martha Ann Fr__le?
Date of birth: Dec 10, 1833
abode: Crow Harbour
clergyman CJ Shreves
notes: This was in a small register that was never transferred to the
 main one by the minister when it arrived

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, December 18, 1836
Abigail Eloise? George
Child of Henry and: Margaret George
Date of birth: Aug 28, 1836
abode: Halfway Cove
notes: crossed out in register maybe in main one - This was in a
 small register that was never transferred to the main one by
 the minister when it arrived

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, August 23, 1818
Catharine George
Child of Justus and: Mary George
Date of birth: Aug 9, 1817

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Thursday, February 26, 1835
Charlotte George
Child of Peter and: Charlotte George
Date of birth: Aug 17, 1834
abode: Crow Harbour
clergyman CJ Shreves
notes: This was in a small register that was never transferred to the
 main one by the minister when it arrived

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Friday, December 18, 1835
Clyde George
Child of John and: Abigail George
Date of birth: Aug 19, 1835
abode: Halfway Cove
notes: This was in a small register that was never transferred to the
 main one by the minister when it arrived

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, November 28, 1813
Dorithy George
Child of Justus and: Mary George
Date of birth: April 21, 1881

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Monday, October 14, 1861
Harriet Letitia George
Child of Henry and: Margt George
Date of birth: July 23, 1861
parents' occupation: fisherman
abode: South Bay Shore
clergyman WE Gelling

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, November 18, 1866
John Charles George
Child of John and: Elizabeth George
Date of birth: June 26, 1866
where baptised:   Dutch Church
parents' occupation: fisherman
abode: Lamb's Point
clergyman WE Gelling

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, November 18, 1866
John Charles George
Child of John and: Elizabeth George
Date of birth: June 26, 1866
where baptised:   Dutch Church
parents' occupation: Fisherman
abode: Lamb's Point

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Thursday, November 22, 1804
Joseph George
Child of William and: Africa George
Date of birth: March 6, 1798

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, July 09, 1815
Marianne George
Child of Justus and: Mary George
Date of birth: Nov 14, 1814

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Friday, May 24, 1867
Martha Jane George
Child of John and: Margaret George
Date of birth: Nov 5, 1867
where baptised:   Dutch Church
parents' occupation: fisherman
abode: near Dutch Church
notes: check again - baptism date before birth date

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Thursday, November 22, 1804
Mary George
Child of William and: Africa George
Date of birth: July 11, 1801

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, October 01, 1865
Mary Abigail George
Child of Valentine and: Elizabeth George
Date of birth: Dec 29, 1864
where baptised:   Halfway Cove
parents' occupation: fisherman
abode: Halfway Cove
clergyman WE Gelling

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Friday, February 14, 1862
Mary Harriet George
Child of Danl and: Rebecca George
Date of birth: Oct 15, 1861
abode: Cole Harbour
clergyman WE Gelling

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, July 06, 1806
Nudham (or  George
Child of William and: Africa George
Date of birth: October 29, 1805?

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Thursday, November 22, 1804
Thomas George
Child of William and: Africa George
Date of birth: Nov 17, 1803

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Friday, July 20, 1827
Thomas James George
Child of Justus and: Mary George
Date of birth: Nov 11, 1825

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Friday, July 20, 1827
Valentine George
Child of John and: Abigail George
Date of birth: March 13, 1826

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, October 15, 1865
William Edmund George
Child of Peter and: Sarah George
Date of birth: Aug 6, 1865
where baptised:   Dutch Church
parents' occupation: fisherman
abode: Lamb's Point
clergyman WE Gelling

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Monday, July 01, 1816
Elizabeth Greencorn
Child of John and: Nancy Greencorn
Date of birth: Apr 7, 1816

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, August 27, 1809
Magdalin Greencorn
Child of John and: Mary Greencorn
Date of birth: May 18, 1805

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, August 27, 1809
William Greencorn
Child of John and: Mary Greencorn
Date of birth: Sept 29, 1808

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, May 06, 1804
Frederick Grinkhorn (or
Child of John and: Mary Grinkhorn (or
Date of birth: Oct 7, 180_
where baptised:   German Chapel at Halfway Cove

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, October 01, 1826
James Grover
Child of James and: Rhoda Grover
Date of birth: April 19, 1826

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, August 29, 1819
Jasper Grover
Child of John and: Rhoda Grover
Date of birth: March 22, 1819

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, August 29, 1819
John Grover
Child of John and: Rhoda Grover
Date of birth: May 3, 1817

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, August 29, 1819
Samuel Grover
Child of John and: Rhoda Grover
Date of birth: Dec 27, 1815

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, May 06, 1804
Edward Harrigan
Child of James and: Ann Harrigan
Date of birth: May 3, 1804
where baptised:   German Chapel at Halfway Cove

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Tuesday, August 09, 1814
Frederick John Harrigan
Child of James and: Ann Harrigan
Date of birth: July 12, 1814
where baptised:   at Crow Harbour

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, July 20, 1806
James Harrigan
Child of James and: Ann Harrigan
Date of birth: March 24, 180_

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Friday, June 07, 1811
Joanna Grace Harrigan
Child of James and: Ann Harrigan
Date of birth: April 6, 1810

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Tuesday, September 09, 1817
Marianne Harrigan
Child of James and: Ann Harrigan
Date of birth: August 29, 1816

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, July 18, 1819
Nancy Harrigan
Child of James and: Ann Harrigan
Date of birth: April 13, 1819

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Wednesday, July 22, 1812
William Gasper Harrigan
Child of James and: Ann Harrigan
Date of birth: April 30, 1812

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Monday, August 17, 1835
John William Henderson
Child of John and: Mary Henderson
Date of birth: Aug 13, 1835
abode: Halfway Cove
notes: This was in a small register that was never transferred to the
 main one by the minister when it arrived

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Sunday, July 18, 1819
Thomas Henry Henderson
Child of Wm Grey and: Elizabeth Henderson
Date of birth: Dec 19, 1818

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Wednesday, August 04, 1813
James Henry Higgins
Child of Henry and: Jane Higgins
Date of birth: April 28, 1812

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Tuesday, November 02, 1819
Lucina Higgins
Child of and:
Date of birth: Sept 6, 1817
notes: parents may be Henry and Jane - forgot to fill in

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Wednesday, August 04, 1813
Margaret Higgins
Child of Henry and: Jane Higgins
Date of birth: Apr 4, 1813

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Tuesday, November 02, 1819
Sarah Higgins
Child of and:
Date of birth: May 6, 1814
notes: parents may be Henry and Jane - forgot to fill in

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Tuesday, November 02, 1819
Thomas Higgins
Child of and:
Date of birth: May 5, 1819
notes: parents may be Henry and Jane - forgot to fill in

 Source: Christ Church Anglican - Guysborough - PANS reel # 11390-x

Date of baptism: Tuesday, November 02, 1819
William Higgins
Child of and:
Date of birth: Oct 6, 1815
notes: parents may be Henry and Jane - forgot to fill in


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